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 > Important notice!

The realization of this work was possible by the unselfish help of people who advocated the importance to remember to the next generations important stories like this one.

Not funds from any Italian state institutions or public television have been used, who always refused to support in whatever way this project, in some cases discouraging it.

Authorities to whom we have appealed:
Region Veneto - Cultural and Entertainment Activity
Region Veneto - Directorate for Economic Promotion and internalization
Region Veneto - Office cinema and film commission
Lux Vide spa
H-Farm spa
Ministery of the Economy Development
Ministry for Cultural Activities - Cinema Department (mibac)
Ministry of Education
Rai 1/2/3 (
dir. Stefano Coletta, Annamaria Catricalà) (public Italian television broadcasters)
Rai Ragazzi (dir. Silvia Calandrelli, Luca Milano) (
public Italian television broadcaster)
> Rai Fiction
(dir. Luca Milano, Annita Romanelli) (
public Italian television broadcaster)
> Rai Cinema
(dir. Paolo Del Brocco) (public Italian television broadcaster)
> Rai Cultura/Storia/Scuola/DOC3
(dir. Silvia Calandrelli, G. Noferi, G. Giannotti) (public Italian TV)
> Rai Com
(dir. Monica Maggioni) (public Italian world sales agency)
> Parliamentary Supervisory Commission of Rai (pres. Alberto Barachini)
> Geo (Sveva Sagramola, Susanna Baccetti)
> Greenpeace
Italian Embassy - Tokyo (Gianluigi Benedetti)(Italian Foreign Ministery)

Despite the budget required was nominal, none of the above was available to support the implementation of this project.

Rai spa (Italian television broadcasting) always refused any supporto to produce/promote/broadcast this movie to all its public channels, not even free of charge.


Somalia94 - The Ilaria Alpi affair ©2016 Marco Giolo, all rights reserved